Graveside meeting for Brother Liu Suey
September 9, 2023 (Saturday) 11:00 am PDT Grace Terrace, Rose Hills Memorial Park Zoom Link: ID: 823 9665 1273
September 9, 2023 (Saturday) 11:00 am PDT Grace Terrace, Rose Hills Memorial Park Zoom Link: ID: 823 9665 1273
活出並作出新耶路撒冷 主僕劉遂弟兄追念聚會 台北時間:2023/08/11 10:00~12:00 Livestream: Youtube FHD(Chinese) FHD(English) Livestream (Applicable when you cannot watch Youtube) Link1:
Dear Family of our beloved Brother Suey Liu, Our desire is to convey to you all our sincere condolences at this time after the departure
親愛的劉遂弟兄家人們, 頃聞敬愛的主僕劉遂弟兄已安息在他一生事奉且寶愛的主耶穌懷裡。身為一群劉弟兄職事的受益者,我們一面尊重神主宰的安排,一面懷著萬分不捨的心情,向您們致上誠摯的慰問。 吳福临
My fondest childhood memories of GongGong were of the many times visiting his and PuoPuo’s home in San Francisco. It was a beautiful, white, Victorian
Brother Liu Suey came to serve in Manila in 1977, and over the next year he conducted a one-year full-time training, perfecting over twenty young
As one of the oldest grandchildren, I hold sweet memories of weekends spent at YehYeh’s house in San Francisco with my family. Those slippery circular