Graveside meeting for Brother Liu Suey
September 9, 2023 (Saturday) 11:00 am PDT Grace Terrace, Rose Hills Memorial Park Zoom Link: https://meetingonline-us.zoom.us/j/82396651273Meeting ID: 823 9665 1273
September 9, 2023 (Saturday) 11:00 am PDT Grace Terrace, Rose Hills Memorial Park Zoom Link: https://meetingonline-us.zoom.us/j/82396651273Meeting ID: 823 9665 1273
活出並作出新耶路撒冷 主僕劉遂弟兄追念聚會 台北時間:2023/08/11 10:00~12:00 Livestream: Youtube FHD(Chinese) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOTxTiqJj_0Youtube FHD(English) https://youtube.com/live/WWQvMSneWqw?feature=share Livestream (Applicable when you cannot watch Youtube) Link1: https://brothersueyliu.org/livestreamLink2: https://dailynew.com.tw/memorial-meeting-for-brother-liu-suey
Dear Family of our beloved Brother Suey Liu, Our desire is to convey to you all our sincere condolences at this time after the departure
親愛的劉遂弟兄家人們, 頃聞敬愛的主僕劉遂弟兄已安息在他一生事奉且寶愛的主耶穌懷裡。身為一群劉弟兄職事的受益者,我們一面尊重神主宰的安排,一面懷著萬分不捨的心情,向您們致上誠摯的慰問。 吳福临
Brother Liu Suey, in fellowship many years ago, he said, “The reality of the Lord’s table is on the daily living.” He also mentioned that
Pastor Liu Suey’s life was a testament to his deep commitment to spreading the message of love, hope, and redemption. From a young age, he
Brother Liu was a true blessing on my journey to salvation as a Westerner in China and Taiwan. He was one of the first brothers